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Ocupación Iraq
:: CSCA | Comite de Solidaridad con la causa árabe [+]
:: NOTA | Las primeras 10 noticias pertenecen a Electronic.Iraq y están en Inglés. Las siguientes son en Español [+].
Electronic Iraq es una publicación independiente NO lucrativa cuyo cometido es el de ofrecer una comprensiva educación en la ocupación ilegal de Iraq. EIraq ofrece una necesaria información suplementaria a los medios comerciales de desinformación masiva.

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viernes, junio 18, 2004
Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 574 - 18 de junio de 2004
+ Amira Howeidy: Las organizaciones palestinas rechazan el plan de seguridad egipcio-israelí para Gaza

+ Diario de la resistencia iraquí (16 y 17 de junio): Hasta un centenar de civiles empleados de empresas contratadas por el Pentágono han muerto en Iraq en los últimos meses, los últimos cuatro en un ataque el miércoles en Ramadi - Paralización total de las exportaciones iraquíes de petróleo tras dos nuevos atentados el miércoles contra oleoductos del sur del país

+Agenda de solidaridad internacionalista:
- Movilizaciones contra el fraude de la 'transferencia de poder' en Iraq el 30 de junio y en solidaridad con Palestina: 18 de junio, Zaragoza: Cadena humana por la paz y contra la ocupación de Iraq y Palestina
- 21 de junio, Madrid: Concierto de celebración de la retirada de las tropas españolas de Iraq
- 18 de junio: Acto público sobre Iraq en Orcasitas (Madrid)

miércoles, junio 16, 2004
Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 573 - 16 de junio de 2004
+ Movilizaciones contra el fraude de la 'transferencia de poder' en Iraq el 30 de junio y en solidaridad con Palestina:
- Manifiesto unitario de la manifestación del 29 de junio en Madrid
- Manifest de la Plataforma per l'Alliberament i la Sobirania de l'Iraq (Cataluña)
- Citas de las manifestaciones en Barcelona (19 junio), Madrid y Pontevedra (29 junio), y Salamanca (30 junio)

+ Testimonios e Informe del Centro del Observatorio de la Ocupación en Bagdad:
- Imán Ahmad Jamas: Lo que significa en Iraq recibir 'una visita' de las tropas estadounidenses. Asaltos a viviendas por las fuerzas de ocupación

+ Diario de la resistencia iraquí (14-16 de junio): Tres sabotajes en el norte y sur de Iraq reducen a menos de un tercio las exportaciones de petróleo - Dos de los cinco extranjeros muertos en el atentado del lunes en Bagdad eran mercenarios británicos, mientras un nuevo ataque este martes acaba con la vida de un número no determinado de empleados de la APC - EEUU exige al nuevo gobierno iraquí inmunidad también para el personal privados de seguridad en Iraq, que podría elevarse hasta 30.000 efectivos - Varios soldados heridos en un ataque con morteros contra una base de tropas británicas y neozelandesas en Basora

+ Humor árabe: El cumpleaños de Bush padre (viñeta de Rasim)

viernes, junio 11, 2004
Americans must look through Iraqi eyes
ZNet Commentary
June 10, 2004
By Charles Glass

On the videotape, the American hostage stands in front of a flag with
Arabic writing on it. His appearance is of a man in shock. He speaks. "I
hope to return home one day, and I want my family to know that these
people are taking care of me, and provide me with food, water and a place
to sleep." The tape does not show the men who are undoubtedly pointing
weapons at him. It does not indicate the compulsion he is under to say
what his captors want him to say. The armed men who kidnapped him make
their own announcement. If American forces in Iraq do not end their
assault, their captive "will be treated worse than those who were killed
and burned in Fallujah."

Thomas Hamill, a Texan who was kidnapped last Friday in Iraq, is 43 and
works for the Kellogg Brown Root subsidiary of Dick Cheney's
Halliburton. Hamill told the Houston Chronicle last month that he wasn't making
it as a small farmer. So, he signed a year-long contract to drive tanker
trucks in Iraq. The Chronicle quoted him as being on an $80,000-a-year
salary. "The money's not good enough to die for, but it's good."

Iraqi resistance to the American occupation has led to kidnappings of
Americans as well as of men from Italy, Canada, Japan, Britain, Germany
and Arab east Jerusalem. Shia Muslims used kidnapping in Lebanon, and
Iraq's Muslims - who have adopted the Lebanese tactics of suicide
bombings and hit and run ambushes - have learned the lesson. In Lebanon,
kidnappings, suicide bombings and guerrilla attacks expelled the American
and Israeli armies. In Iraq, the insurgents are better armed, better
financed and much more numerous.

In Lebanon after the Israeli invasion of 1982 - another attempt at Arab
regime change - the US Marines were sent to police a ceasefire. The US
trained a new Lebanese army and promised to support democracy. Some
Lebanese leaders worked with the US. Most didn't. They did not trust a
power they saw as the main supporter of the Israeli army that was
occupying their country.

The US, Israel's main financial support, forced the Lebanese government
to sign a humiliating deal with Israel's occupying army. Israeli troops
attacked the Shia in south Lebanon, detained thousands of villagers and
practiced targeted assassinations. Somehow, the US did not understand
why the Lebanese came to hate them so much that they fought them until,
in February 1985, they left the country without consulting their allies
in the multi-national force - the British-Italian-French contingent
that was the forerunner of the "coalition" in Iraq.

In Iraq, the US itself is the occupier. Just as the Israeli occupation
of Lebanon after 1982 created the fundamentalist Shia Hizbollah party,
the American occupation of Iraq is creating insurgent groups such
asMuqtada Sadr's Army of Mehdi. The US promised Iraq democracy, then said
there could be no elections. It guaranteed freedom of expression, then
closed an opposition newspaper. It denounced its opponents as former
regime loyalists, foreign forces and, now, anti-Iraqi forces. If the
insurgents shooting at Americans are the anti-Iraqis, does that imply that
the Americans are the Iraqis?

If Americans are ever to understand why Iraqis are shooting at them,
they must take a look at themselves through Iraqi eyes. It is
self-defeating to hide behind a wall of propaganda that their opponents are all
former Baathists, terrorists or foreigners. To Iraqis, the Americans are

The United States arrived in Iraq last year lugging a ton of history.
All Iraqis know that the US supported Saddam Hussein for 30 years. They
remember that the US gave Saddam the help he needed to sustain a
disastrous eight-year war with Iran in which millions died. On the day the UN
reported Saddam had used illegal chemicals against Iran, 24 March 1984,
Tariq Aziz, the Iraqi Foreign Minister was giving lunch to Donald

America's Navy protected Saddam's shipping in the Gulf. The US supplied
the helicopters from which Saddam sprayed poison gases on Kurds in the
north and army deserters in the marshes of the south. In 1991, despite
that legacy, Iraqis heeded President George Bush's call to overthrow
their dictator. Their rebellion was on the verge of success, when the US
changed tack. Bush allowed Saddam to deploy air power against them.
Saddam then murdered Shia in the south and Kurds in the north.

For the next 12 years, while Iraqis were trying to recover from that
shock, the US enforced an embargo against them. Sanctions enriched
corrupt Iraqi and UN officials, punished Iraq's people and left the regime in
power. After all that, the US came back in 2003 promising to do good
for the Iraqi people. Is it surprising they were and are suspicious?

Once in Iraq, the US forces suspended the country's sovereignty and
announced it would govern the county until Iraqis were ready to govern
themselves on terms acceptable to the US. Meanwhile, the US would
construct permanent bases on Iraqi soil without consulting a legitimately
elected Iraqi government.

The American administrators, who protected the oil ministry while
looters invaded the national museum, awarded contracts without tender to
companies friendly to the Bush administration. Among the sub-contracting
firms that came to Iraq, Ma'ariv an Israeli daily newspaper reported
last week, were 30 to 40 Israeli companies.

The Bush administration allowed Christian missionaries to work among
Iraq's Muslim population. America's troops detained thousands of young
men, some of whom died without explanation in American custody. There
were accusations of torture of detainees by both US and British troops
that have not been refuted.

In far off Israel, Ariel Sharon assassinated Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the
crippled and blind Hamas religious leader in the Gaza Strip. The Shia
population of Basra demonstrated to protest his murder. The Shia of Iraq
ignored the sectarian fact that Hamas is an all-Sunni Muslim
organisation. They felt strong kinship with fellow Muslims under occupation. They
demonstrated solidarity with Sunnis while the US was predicting a
Shia-Sunni civil war in Iraq. British forces fired on the Basra

The US closed the newspaper of the Shia leader Muqtada Sadr, blaming it
for "incitement" - the justification Arab regimes use when they punish
newspapers. The US-appointed Iraqi judiciary issued a warrant for the
arrest of Sadr. The rebellion was born.

Killing or capturing Sadr, a ruthless fundamentalist agitator who may
well have killed some of his Shia rivals, will not end resistance to the
US - anymore than it stopped with the capture of Saddam Hussein. In
Lebanon, Israel killed successive leaders of Hizballah. Israel pulled out
of Lebanon in 2001. Hizbollah is still there. Hizballah's spiritual
leader, Sayed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, told his Beirut mosque on
Friday: "The bloody scene of savage Israeli crimes against the Palestinian
people...is being replayed in the shame of savage American massacres
against the Iraqi people."

It is time to make the connections: the Shia of Iraq feel closer to the
Sunnis of Iraq than they do to the Americans. The Shia of Lebanon and
of Iraq have close family ties and have inspired each other for
generations. And the Arabs of Iraq have not forgotten the Arabs of Palestine.
Onr Iraqi group to claim the kidnapping of foreigners calls itself the
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Brigade, in honour of a blind and crippled Sunni
cleric murdered by Ariel Sharon in Gaza.

Charles Glass covered the wars in Iraq in 1991 and 2003. He was a
hostage of Lebanon's Shia Hizballah in 1987.

Máxima Difusión CSCA

Cinco personas irán a la cárcel por la "ocupación" pacífica de la sede del PP durante las movilizaciones contra la guerra en 2003
19 de junio: jornada de protesta contra la represión
Nota informativa CSCAweb (www.nodo50.org/csca), 7 de junio de 2004

Cinco personas, miembros del 'Grupo de acción directa no-violenta', deberán ingresar en prisión para cumplir un arresto de fin de semana por la "ocupación" pacífica de la sede del Partido Popular de Torrelavega (Cantabria) en protesta por la guerra de Iraq el 27 de marzo de 2003. Durante esta acción se empapelaron la fachada y las ventanas de la sede con carteles contra la guerra, hasta el momento en que una intervención policial trasladó a los ocupantes detenidos a dependencias policiales. La condena se llevará a cabo en la cárcel de El Dueso, en Santoña, y en la Prisión Provincial de Santander a partir del día 11 de junio, unos, y del 18, otros. Hasta el momento, que se sepa, es la única condena de cárcel en nuestro país por acciones contra la guerra en Iraq [1] .

En un escrito remitido a CSCAweb los encausados quieren dejar claro que no se arrepienten de su acción para demostrar a aquellos que tratan de acabar con las protestas de los ciudadanos a base de multas, condenas y represión que "las ideas y la solidaridad no se pueden encerrar tras unos barrotes", y prosiguen "nos negamos a callarnos, nos negamos a obedecer a la injusticia, y no nos resignamos a entrar en la cárcel sin antes animar a la gente, una vez más, a que se organice y se movilice para conseguir una sociedad más libre y solidaria".

Con este motivo, se celebrarán una serie de actos de protesta en la Plaza Mayor de Torrelavega el próximo sábado 19 de junio, a partir de las cinco de la tarde.

Más información: www.geocities.com/grupoacciondirecta
e-Mail: acciondirectanoviolenta@hotmail.com


1. Otros casos de represión contra el movimiento antiguerra en Cantabria y en el resto del territorio español pueden verse en la página especial: Campaña de información y apoyo sobre represalias económicas y penales por iniciativas contra la guerra - Casos de represalias económicas y penales remitidos http://www.nodo50.org/csca/agenda2004/multas-casos.html
viernes, junio 04, 2004
OpenDemocracy News

As a new Iraqi government forms amid continued violence
http://openDemocracy.net hosts a heartfelt discussion among six Iraqis
about what is best for their country. Their views are diverse, but they
are unified by an avoidance of simplistic platitudes (no calls for
immediate US withdrawal), and a serious concern for the future of their
country. As over-heated arguments about Iraq swirl around us, shouldn't
we all find out what Iraqis think?



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Americans know? TODD GITLIN'S weekly column keeps score

The European Union represents statism, stagnation, disunity and
Why should the United States be enthused, asks JOHN HULSMAN, in his bi-
weekly reports from America's capital

Can America find its universal soul in being normal rather than number
one? And can Europe's former "dissidents" speak truth to its power?
MARTIN MATUŠTÍK, a Czech scholar in Chicago, poses a sharp, dual

Can the path to Middle East security go through Europe? PAUL HILDER
reports from an international civil society conference in Amman



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The targeting of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia and Iraq augurs a hard
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Hollywood's global warming fantasy impresses CASPAR HENDERSON less than
the real world disaster of Hispaniola

Religion can bring hope, respect, salvation. DAVE BELDEN, a
makes the case


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Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 568 - 4 de junio de 2004
+ EEUU preserva en el nuevo borrador de resolución el pleno control sobre sus tropas en Iraq, imposición aceptada por el gobierno de transición designado esta semana

+ Diario de la resistencia iraquí (2 y 3 de junio): Al menos 11 iraquíes muertos por disparos de tropas estadounidenses en Kufa y Medina as-Sadr - Las muertes en combate de un capitán del Ejército y un 'marine' elevan a 498 el número de bajas mortales de EEUU desde el 1 de mayo de 2003 - Sendos ataques contra efectivos de Filipinas y Georgia el martes y el jueves

+ Llamamiento en apoyo a los encarcelados por la 'Operación Lago': no a la extradición de Youb Saudi

+ Sin palabras (viñeta de Hajjaj)

miércoles, junio 02, 2004
Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 567 - 2 de junio de 2004
+ Diario de la resistencia iraquí (28 de mayo-1 de junio): Bombardeada la "Zona verde" mientras se reúne el Consejo Gubernativo; coche-bomba contra la sede de la UPK en las proximidades - 11 muertos (siete de ellos paramilitares iraquíes) en un ataque con bomba contra la entrada de una base de EEUU en Beiji - Secuestrados dos polacos y sus acompañantes iraquíes, y atacado un convoy de camiones en Kirkuk - EEUU ha perdido en combate en mayo una media diaria de más de dos soldados - Emboscada contra un convoy de civiles británicos el domingo; el lunes, dos guardias privados de seguridad británicos mueren en atentado en Bagdad

+ Ignacio Gutiérrez de Terán: Iraq, los surcos del abismo

+ Iman Ahmad Jamas: Boda de sangre en Mugrldib (testimonios e Informe del Centro del Observatorio de la Ocupación en Bagdad)
- El Pentágono admitió haber atacado la aldea de Mugrldib, quizás una represalia premeditada

+ "Designación de Yawar como presidente iraquí" (viñeta de Hosni)

+ Agenda de solidaridad internacionalista: nuevas convocatorias en Madrid, Albacete y Rabat

:: Archivo

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