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Ocupación Palestina
:: CSCA | Comite de Solidaridad con la causa árabe [+]
:: MUERTOS desde Septiembre 2000 | 4.022 Palestinos & 918 Israelíes
Electronic Intifada es una publicación independiente NO lucrativa cuyo cometido es el de ofrecer una comprensiva educación en la cuestión de Palestina, el conflicto Israelo-Palestino, asi como las dimensiones económica, política, legal y humanitaria de la ocupación Israelí de los Territorios Palestinos desde hace 37 años. EI ofrece una necesaria información suplementaria a los medios comerciales de desinformación masiva.

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            El MURO de la vergüenza

Friday, April 30, 2004
To friends of peace in the Middle East:

This June marks 37 years of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories. We hope that friends all over the world will take the opportunity to protest the occupation in whatever way suits you -- demonstrations, vigils, petition-signings, visits to elected officials, etc.

In Israel, the Coalition of Women for Peace has decided to hold a number of activities on and around June 5 -- workshops at conferences, posters all over the country, and vigils. In addition, we are trying something new this year -- a 20-minute video called "Women Resist the Occupation" that we plan to show on public street corners, in homes, and other locations.

We think that this video might be useful to you as well: To show others that there are Israelis who do not support our government's policies, to illustrate nonviolent and feminist activism, and as a way to support the Israeli women's peace movement. You could also incorporate it into your plans for protest events.

If you're interested, here are more details:

Title: "Women Resist the Occupation": A 20-min. video showing actions by Israeli women, sometimes in cooperation with Palestinian women, in efforts to resist the occupation and achieve a just peace. Includes footage of Women in Black, Bat Shalom, Machsom Watch, Black Laundry, the Coalition of Women for Peace, and others [with scenes from the women's action at Biddu last Sunday, where Molly's shoulder was fractured by a mounted border policeperson].

Production: Directed by experienced Israeli filmmaker Claudia (Cala) Levin and a team of 4 women from Israel's Indymedia.

Format: Available in NTSC or PAL. (NTSC is common in the U.S., and PAL in Europe.)

Language: There is no narrative, but English subtitles will be used to identify the events, filmed at women's peace actions.

Price: $25 (or 20 Euro) which includes shipping anywhere from Israel. Pay less if this is too much for you. Feel free to pay more, and the balance will be used to advance the work of the Coalition of Women for Peace.

To order:
1. Send an e-mail to alexnissen@yahoo.com. Tell her your mailing address and whether you prefer NTSC or PAL format.
2. Send cash or a check (any currency) made out to "Bat Shalom" and mail it to:

Coalition of Women for Peace
P.O. Box 10252
Jerusalem, Israel 91102

We will start mailing out the videotapes approximately May 15.

We hope this video will be useful for your own June actions. Thank you for your support!

Coalition of Women for Peace, Israel

Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 551 - 28 de abril de 2004
+ Lev Grinberg: Genocidio simbólico en Palestina

+ Nuevo símbolo para el 'Gran Oriente Medio' estadounidense-israelí: El gobierno colaboracionista se propone cambiar la legítima bandera de Iraq por otra muy semejante a la de Israel
- "La nueva bandera iraquí" (viñeta de Hajjaj)

> I just spoke to Molly Malekar on her way to Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem, and here is what she reported:

"We were about 60 women, only women: roughly 1/3 Israeli, 1/3 Palestinian, and 1/3 internationals. We gathered at Bidu to protest the construction of the wall in this village. It was a quiet march, with women carrying signs and walking toward the area where soldiers were guarding the construction of the fence. At a distance of about 10
meters (30 feet) from them, we stopped walking because the soldiers turned
to point their rifles directly at us. I called out to them in Hebrew,
"Don't shoot, we're not armed, this is a nonviolent demonstration."
Suddenly there was an onslaught of teargas and stun grenades, falling all
around us, completely out of proportion to the quiet, nonprovocative nature
of our action. The grenades fell right there at our feet and we were choking, unable to breathe. Most dispersed and ran back. Soldiers charged toward us and fell upon the women, grabbing some whom they arrested. By then, there was no demonstration at all, nothing to disperse. Most of the women had run back, trying to recover from the tear gas, but I remained as I wanted to talk to the soldiers to prevent the arrest of the four women. Suddenly out of nowhere four horses
charged, with border police mounted on them. I started to run away, but one
of them ridden by a girl soldier caught up with me and she struck me on
my head with a baton. I fell, and then a second horse charged toward me
and I felt more blows on my head and back. There was no provocation whatsoever
at any point while this was happening."

> Molly is the director of Bat Shalom, which is the women's peace
> organization that forms the Israeli side of The Jerusalem Link: A
> Joint Venture for Peace (the Palestinian side is called the Jerusalem
> Center for Women). Molly is the most wonderfully serious and
> woman you would ever want to have at the head of your organization.
> Anyone who has ever met Molly knows that she has never engaged in
> provocation, but has only been cautious and respectful. I asked her
> cell phone, on her way to the hospital, how she feels and she said,
> horrible headache, my ears hurt, and aching from the blows. But
> think about how to wake people up to what is happening out there. We
> to wake people up."
> Wake up, world! Hear O Israel, wake up!! Israeli soldiers have made
> brutality a way of life against Palestinians, then they turned their
> weapons and death upon international peace activists, and now they
> brutalizing Israelis who express disapproval of their ways. Who will
> the first one killed?
> Writes US woman activist Starhawk, who participated in some of these,
> Israelis who are involved in the day to day resistance ... said to me
> they know it is only a matter of time before there is an Israeli
> '- a martyr of the occupation. Being Israeli is no longer a
> against the violence of the military."
> What's worse: Nonviolence is no longer protection against the
> of the military, regardless of whether you are Israeli or Palestinian
> international. No one should be assaulted for peacefully
> and yet that has become the norm. Today, any single demonstration
> takes place in the territories -- whether by Palestinians or
> women or men, nonviolent or violent -- is treated to the same brutal
> behavior of guns, stun grenades, and clubs. And no one investigates
> incidents in a serious, unbiased manner, and the soldiers learn that
> can be more and more cruel, and no one gives a damn.
> What has happened? The occupation has happened. The occupation has
> corrupted the soul of Israel. A situation of "Ein din v'ein dayan",
> the Bible says: "No law and no one standing in judgment".
> There is anarchy in the soul of Israel today, and it won't be gone
> we uproot the occupation from our land and from our hearts.
> Gila Svirsky
> Jerusalem
> *******************************
> Coalition of Women for Peace:
> http://www.coalitionofwomen4peace.org

Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 550 - 26 de abril de 2004
+ El asesinato de al-Rantisi y el Plan Sharon: un nuevo Balfour para Palestina
- Ibrahim Alloush: ¿Quién se beneficia del asesinato del 'sheij' Yasín y de sus compañeros?

+ Balance de la represión en Palestina (15 al 21 de abril): Días de extrema violencia marcados por el asesinato del líder de Hamas, Abdul Aziz al-Rantisi, el día 17 en Gaza

+ Selección de textos en formato PDF y sumario de 'Nación Árabe' 51
- Iraq, el fracaso de la ocupación
- Iraq: Memoria y expolio
- Mauritania: La farsa del poder absoluto y 'democrático'
- Argelia: Buteflika empieza su 'sprint' final
- Libia: Gadafi, el nuevo amigo de EEUU
- Oriente Medio: Siria, Israel e Hizbolá
- Sudán: ¿Hacia la paz o hacia el colapso como nación?
- Poemas de Iraq y de guerra

Saturday, April 24, 2004
Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 549 - 23 de abril de 2004
+ Respuesta internacional a la declaración de Bush sobre el Derecho al Retorno de los palestinos

+ Response to the Bush Declaration on the Palestinian Right to Return

Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 548 - 21 de abril de 2004
+ "Oil in Iraq" (viñeta de Nedal Hashem, Palestina)

+ Agenda de solidaridad internacionalista: seis nuevas convocatorias en Madrid y Barcelona


Saturday, April 17, 2004
Mordechai Vanunu, el Nelson Mandela de Israel
Mordechai Vanunu, el Nelson Mandela de Israel: "Mordechai Vanunu, el Nelson Mandela de Israel
Javier Villate

13 Junio 2003

Existe tambi?Dn una versi?Dn de este documento en formato PDF (descargar, 140 Kbs)
Mordechai Vanunu lleva casi 17 a?Dos en prisi?Dn, acusado por el estado de Israel de traici?Dn y espionaje. Su delito fue decir la verdad al mundo en 1986: que Israel ten?Da armas nucleares. Los m?Ds optimistas piensan que ser?D puesto en libertad en abril de 2004. Su secuestro en Italia y posterior condena son actos de terrorismo que vulneran los m?Ds elementales derechos humanos. Mientras tanto, Israel mantiene, con la complicidad de los gobiernos de medio mundo, un poderoso arsenal de armas de destrucci?Dn masiva y ha rehusado someterse a los tratados internacionales sobre control de armamentos. Este texto quiere ser un homenaje a Mordechai Vanunu, un grito indignado en favor de su liberaci?Dn y una denuncia de un estado que, como el israel?D, no conoce ning?Dn l?Dmite legal a su voluntad de dominio, como bien sabe el sufriente pueblo palestino. "
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 543 - 14 de abril de 2004
+ Refugiados palestinos:
- Salman Abu Sitta: 'Palestina: Un país borrado del mapa'
- Faruk Mardam-Bey y Elias Sanbar: 'El derecho al retorno. El problema de los refugiados palestinos'

+ Viñeta de 'al-Ayam' (Palestina)


Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Novedades en CSCAweb - nº 542 - 12 de abril de 2004
+ Balance de la represión en Palestina (25 de marzo-7 de abril): Cuatro palestinos asesinados (dos de ellos menores de edad) en una semana que se iniciaba con el ataque al Hospital de Salud Mental de Belén - La UNRWA suspende el programa de emergencia humanitaria en Palestina por las restricciones impuestas por Israel, tres civiles asesinados por el ejército de ocupación


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