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martes, octubre 05, 2004
London, UK, 1st October 2004
60 Films for 60 Years

…of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.


"Eyes on International Financial Institutions (IFIs)"
Launch of innovative online portal to independent film and video on the World Bank, IMF and regional development banks.

Contact: Zoe Young,

eyes@ifiwatchnet.org +44 (0) 20 7723 2875 (mobile) +44 (0) 7931 316 970
From big budget documentary to raw campaign short via ‘riot porn’, expert exposition and a slick anti-debt ad banned from UK TV,

this new collection of critical films and videos will channel urgent images and unheard voices to a mass audience. Launched with an initial listing of 60 films to coincide with the World Bank and IMF’s 60th annual general meetings in Washington DC, these films provide the elusive 'other side of the story' about the institutions' work.
Writer and film maker Zoe Young was inspired to co-ordinate "Eyes on IFIs" by her experiences with the World Bank. She said: "The World Bank tells us it is a ‘knowledge bank’, dreaming of ‘a world free of poverty’. But who knows more about the causes and solutions of social and environmental problems in development - US/UK trained economists preaching from their first class conference suites, or the people at the sharp end?

These films will bring the voices of diverse experts, including those directly affected by Banks' projects and policies, to audiences worldwide."
This unprecedented portal is searchable by institution, region, issue and keywords. Listings offer links to obtain copies of films, and to related materials from the IFIwatch network -

providing independent perspectives on the IFIs. Selected films and trailers are available for webstreaming thanks to Exequo's open broadcast service.
Zoe added

"often the most telling images and stories from the ground go unrecorded, or the tapes lie buried in homes and offices. Meanwhile the IFIs have massive staff and budgets for promotional media work. We’ve created this portal to redress the imbalance in global media coverage of these issues and to meet increasing demand for critical documentary."
Eyes on IFIs is a resource for film-makers, distributors, viewers and programmers, broadcasters, journalists, activists

and educators. As a minimally funded pilot it remains a work in progress. Plans include further listings, links and sections, materials in other languages, fora for feedback and exchange and more streaming/download options.
Launch events in London are part of the national 'Fawlty Powers' campaign, and include In the Dochouse screenings at 6.30 pm in the Other Cinema on the 6th October and the Brixton Ritzy on the 7th, also a presentation to the European Forum on Communication Rights on the 15th.


Notes for Editors

Eyes on IFIs does NOT sell videos, please follow the links to contact distributors.

The criteria for listing films in this portal are that they concern an IFI or IFI supported project/policy, but are produced independently of any IFI (or supporting government).


"…connects organisations worldwide which are monitoring international financial institutions (IFIs) such as the World Bank, the IMF, and regional development banks. Providing access to independent and critical perspectives from a range of organisations, IFIwatchnet is a unique resource for anyone interested in the activities of the IFIs and their impact.


Contact: +44 (0) 20 7561 7589, info@ifiwatchnet.org

Exequo The new non-profit open broadcast network.

Contact: info@exequo.org

Forum on Communication Rights
Four Days of Communications Rights and Tactical Media Production, Thursday 14 - Sunday 17th October 2004, Camden Centre, Judd St., Kings Cross, London WC1, UK


Contact: info@efcr2004.net

Dochouse – the Gateway to Documentary

"Formed to support and promote documentary in the UK. It aims to: increase participation and develop new audiences for documentaries in the cinema, on television and emerging media, create faster and easier access to UK and international documentary, promote the use of documentary through education at all levels, and nurture and encourage new talent for the future."


Contact: +44 (0)20 8237 1220, info@dochouse.org

Zoe Young

Zoe is author of ‘A New Green Order? The World Bank and the Politics of the Global Environment Facility’ (Pluto Press, 2002) and co-director (with Dylan Howitt) of ‘Suits and Savages – Why the World Bank Won’t Save the World’ and other documentary films.


Contact: +44 (0) 207 723 2875, (m) +44 (0) 7931 316 970, eyes@ifiwatchnet.org

Worldwide Days of Resistance Against the IMF, World Bank, and All International Financial Institutions.

"Global protests will coincide with the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the WB on October 1 to 4 and continue through October 12, a day of mobilizations in the Americas around injustices perpetuated on indigenous peoples since the landing of Columbus in the Caribbean Islands over 500 years ago."


Contact: +1 (0) 202 232 0200, basav@econjustice.net, oct2004@ifi-out.org

Fawlty Powers

A campaign supported by ActionAid, Bretton Woods Project, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth, Jubilee Debt Campaign, Oxfam GB, War on Want and the World Development Movement.

"A typically British farce -

In 1944 the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were created to end poverty and ensure economic stability. Sixty years on, we are witness to crippling debts, financial crises and environmental destruction. Some like to blame the Yanks for this mess. But hold on! Gordon Brown leads the highest body of the Fund; the UK is the fourth largest shareholder in the institutions; the government swaps staff around with the Bank and Fund like a game of musical chairs; and in 2005, the UK will head the G8 group of rich countries and the European Union. If we can’t fix the Bank and the Fund, who will?"
Contact: +44 (0)20 7561 7610, info@brettonwoodsproject.org

The emancipatory city?
An exciting new addition to any geographers' library...

The Emancipatory City?
Paradoxes and Possibilities
Edited by Loretta Lees King's College London

Who are cities for? What kinds of societies might they most democratically
embody? And, how can cities be emancipatory sites?

Seeking alternative and progressive visions of the emancipatory city
through an exploration of the tensions and possibilities between the
freedoms and constraints offered by the city, the authors of The
Emancipatory City? build on this wealth of current perspectives to present
an critical analysis of urban experience.

Please find more information at:
Reeditan las obras del descubridor Alexander von Humboldt
Reeditan las obras del descubridor Alexander von Humboldt

El literato alemán Hans Magnus Enzensberger presentó en Berlín una reedición de tres de los libros del científico. El tratado de ciencias naturales "Cosmos" fue la primera en distribuirse con más de 25 mil ejemplares vendidos

Hans Magnus Enzensberger presentó en Berlín una reedición de las obras más importantes del descubridor Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859), coincidiendo con el 235 aniversario de su nacimiento.

La principal obra reeditada por la editorial Eichborn es el tratado de ciencias naturales "Cosmos", con una tirada de 25 mil ejemplares, que ya fue vendida en su todalidad. La segunda edición ya se encuentra en la imprenta, informó hoy la agencia DPA.

Enzensberger, ganador del Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Comunicación y Humanidades en 2002, al presentar la obra dijo que "en vista de la situación del nivel de formación en Alemania, ya es hora de poner en el orden del día los trabajos de este 'valiente sabio universal'".

En el proyecto de Enzensberger y el editor Franz Greno, la editorial Eichborn invirtió 1,5 millones de euros (1,8 millones de dólares).

De la edición forma parte también el libro "Vistas de las cordilleras y monumentos de los pueblos indígenas de América", en el que se muestran dibujos realizados por el geógrafo durante su viaje de cinco años por América Latina. Humboldt, nacido en Berlín el 14 de septiembre de 1769, es considerado el fundador de la Geografía Física.

Es la primera vez que la reproducción del original con 69 láminas aparece publicada íntegramente en alemán. Además, Enzensberger reeditó también "Vistas de la Naturaleza", libro en el que Humboldt describe la forma de Sudamérica.

El alemán consideró que Humboldt es un desconocido en Alemania, al contrario de en América Latina.

El proyecto se completa con un portal de Internet dedicado a Humboldt (www.humboldt-portal.de) y con un audiolibro con fragmentos leídos de "Cosmos".

"Cosmos", considerado el borrador de una descripción física del mundo", apareció por primera vez en 1845 y consiguió un gran éxito con una tirada de 80.000 ejemplares.

En el libro, escrito en tono científico y coloquial, Humboldt narra desde el comienzo del mundo, los agujeros negros y los cometas, hasta el surgimiento de los trópicos y los glaciares.

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